Community Wellness
Reaching HOPE understands that a systemic approach to ending intergenerational trauma must include work at a community level, in addition to the important individual and family-system work Reaching HOPE does.
We participate in ongoing outreach to the community, engagement with partner agencies, and embrace a commitment to actively learn from our community. For us, this means participating in creating healthier spaces and systems for all of us to enjoy, and understanding that we won't always have the right answer, but through collaboration and connection, we can find the solution together.

Vicarious Trauma Prevention & Resilience Building
This training and discussion helps create new ways to think about burnout / vicarious trauma prevention and ways to build your own resilience. This training focuses on how you can show up for yourself and how you and your teams can work together to create a culture of safety and resilience. This workshop includes interactive connection opportunities utilizing our Connected Cup program, an online platform designed to build points of connection among frontline workers and helping professionals to prevent vicarious trauma impacts. This workshop will leave you feeling less isolated, more resilient, and will help you feel connected to the reasons you do this work and the incredible support network you have around you!
Connected Cup
This program exists to support and uplift helping professionals by providing a network for community and connection. This is achieved through a variety of self-care focused Connected Cup events, as well as regular Connected Breaks that will encourage one-on-one connection among helping professionals through facilitated conversation. Find all upcoming Connected Cup offerings here.
Recognizing Risk Workshops
Reaching HOPE will provide you with a foundational understanding of warning signs of sexually abusive behaviors and ways that perpetrators exploit individuals, families, and systems in order to gain access to children.
Sexual Education Workshop
This workshop will help you navigate vital sex education conversations with children and youth of any age. These kind of conversations have been shown to help protect children from early and unwanted pregnancy, STD/STIs, and sexual abuse.
Community Consultation
Psychologists at Reaching HOPE are available to consult with your organization on how to start integrating trauma-informed care into your agency. Frequently requested consultation topics include creating and implementing trauma recovery services, educating staff on trauma-informed practices, and addressing/preventing vicarious trauma and burnout.
Care Kits
Reaching HOPE (RH) provides Care Kits to community partners and clients upon request. The goal of these kits are to support you and your family as you move forward. RH hopes these kits will foster connectedness, provide comfort, and encourage self-care for you and your family. You can find more information about Care Kits here.
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